Hi, my friend Martin had introduced 5 different types of censorship in previous post. But, there is a new type of censorship that we called as internet censorship which has appeared recently and that is the topic that we are focusing on. First of all, we need to know what is the definition of internet censorship. Internet censorship is control or suppression of the publishing or accessing of information on the internet.
The censorship of internet is a big arguement today in the world of computer technology. The government is trying to control something especially on freedom of speech. As in all media people are allowed to speak freely and do what they wanted to do. However, government is trying to take something away that they has no right to do so.
The advancement of the technology as there is an increase in a great number of internet users. Government had tried to solve this issue by filter and banned some of the websites. Google has become one of the famous victim for internet censorship. In 2010, Google has announced that they are withdrawing themselves from the mainland China and it was a big shock for most people around the world. Google has refused to censor their search engine and lead to the end of Google in China. Besides Google, China also banned other famous websites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Life without internet is like living in a four walls but can you guys imagine internet without Facebook and Google?
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